Social Security funds were moved to General Fund of the government? The Facts You Should Know

Social Security funds were moved to General Fund of the government? The Facts You Should Know

Russell Gloor(National Social Security Advisor at the AMAC Foundation): I’ve heard that Social Security funds were moved to General Fund of the government. Does this mean Social Security is now an entitlement controlled by the government? Many believe that these funds should be invested to grow our savings rather than being handled by the government. … Read more

Baby Boomers Will Drain Social Security Funds?

Baby Boomers Will Drain Social Security Funds

With around 76 million baby boomers in the U.S., many people worry about the future of Social Security. As this generation retires, some fear the Baby Boomers Will Drain Social Security Funds. But is this the case?. Many believe Social Security will run out of money in the next 10 years. This fear comes from … Read more