Stay ahead with early pay deposits and a big pay raise! Whether you're active duty or retired, learn how USAA makes managing your finances easier
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Military pay is typically deposited on the 1st and 15th of each month. Weekends or holidays can cause delays. USAA offers an awesome perk: Get paid 2 days early!
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Standard Paydays: 1st and 15th of each month. Early Deposit: Receive your pay two days earlier if weekends or holidays disrupt regular dates. Plan ahead without financial stress!
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USAA’s early deposit benefit also applies to retired members! – April: 11th–29th – July: 11th–30th – September: 11th–29th – October: 10th–29th – December: 11th–29th
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5.2% pay increase for all military members. Whether you're active duty or retired, enjoy extra money in your pocket.
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Basic Pay Housing Allowance Subsistence Allowance Planning your budget just got easier!
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Stay prepared. Plan confidently. Enjoy the benefits of USAA!
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