Don’t Leave Your Retirement Money Behind!  Claim It Now! 

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Social Security Deadline

What Are Back Retirement Benefits 

Back retirement benefits are the money you could be owed if you delayed claiming Social Security or forgot to file. It's just waiting for you to claim it! 

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Why Claim Now? 

Why wait? Claiming your back benefits is an easy way to boost your finances. Use it for a vacation, bills, or just to feel more secure. 

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Are You Eligible? 

If you're 62 or older, have worked and paid into Social Security, and haven’t claimed all your benefits, you're likely eligible! 

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Gather Your Docs & Log In 

Gather your Social Security number, ID, and proof of earnings. Then, visit the official Social Security website to log in or create an account. It’s quick and free! 

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Submit Your Claim 

You can file your claim online, by phone, or at a local office. Online is usually the fastest way to get started, but choose what’s best for you.

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Don’t Miss Deadlines 

If you wait too long, you could lose out on the extra benefits. Delayed retirement credits stop when you turn 70, so claim now! 

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Ready to claim your back retirement benefits? Click below to find out 

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