Big news! Social Security checks of up to $5,108 are being deposited today. Are you getting yours ?
Today, January 22, 2025, is the fourth Wednesday of the month. If your birthday is between the 21st and 31st, check your account
Good news! Payments are higher in 2025 because of a 2.5% COLA increase. Retirees can now get up to $5,108 a month!
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments are higher too! Maximum payments are now $967, up from $943 last year. SSI deposits arrive on January 31
A concerned individual on a phone call with “SSA Help” or a question mark icon over a bill.
Who qualifies? Retirees, people with disabilities, and survivors
Social Security is a lifeline for millions. Know your payment schedule, keep track of changes, and check your account regularly
Want to learn more about Social Security payments, increases, and what’s new for 2025? Click the link below to read the full article!