3 Smart Social Security Moves to Make in Early 2025 

Ensure your Social Security earnings record is accurate. Mistakes can reduce your future benefits! 

Verify Your Earnings Record

Create an account on ssa.gov. Check income matches your records. Correct errors by contacting SSA.

How to Verify Earnings 

Full Retirement Age (FRA) impacts your benefits. For those born in 1960 or later, FRA is 67 

Know Your FRA & Benefits 

Check your FRA. Use your SSA statement to estimate benefits. Adjust savings if needed.

Steps to Plan for FRA 

Increasing income now can raise your Social Security benefits later. Every dollar counts 

Strategize to Boost Income 

Ask for a raise. Learn skills for a promotion. Start a side hustle.

Ways to Increase Income 

Take charge of your Social Security future! For more tips, visit our full article.